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If the female is trying to get pregnant with a male dog then it will go on the males back but if the female dog is going on the males back while pregnant then it may means that they wanted to have another baby.

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Q: If your dog is pregnant will your female dog go on the males back?
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Can a female dog get pregnant with more than one male if so which one is dominant.?

Yes, a female dog can get pregnant by multiple males if she mates with them around the same time. It is impossible to determine which male is the dominant one in terms of parentage - each male's sperm has an equal chance of fertilizing the female's eggs.

What happens when a male dog is close to a female dog that has her period?

He will try to mate with her, stand up on her back & hump her. If she is not fixed she will get pregnant.

How can a female dog get pregnant?

By mating with a male dog.

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Females get spayed, males get neutered.

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doggy style. How did you think they do it?

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How do male dog know when a female dog is pregnant?

Often, a male dog is protective of the pregnant female dog, usually if he is the "mate." Sometimes dogs, mates of the pregnant dog or not, will act aggressivley towards the female dog, also known as the "bitch."

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She could die.

Can a Maltese get a German shepherd pregnant?

If the male has not been neutered and/or the female has not been spayed, then yes. And unneutered dog can get any unspayed female dog pregnant.