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The "High One" refers to Mount Denali and the Big 5 are animals: moose, caribou, Dall sheep, wolves, and the grizzly bear.

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Ava Irizar

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Aiden Tolsma

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a dog

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dont know why im on hereeee
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Ava Irizar

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billy bob

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im not sure

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a shadow

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Q: If you stood in the shadow of The High One you might be on the lookout for the Big Five. What would you be trying to see?
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If you stood in the shadow of The High One, you might be on the lookout for the Big Five. What would you be trying to see?

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How to Use Ware in a complete sentence?

The florist stood outside trying to sell his wares to anyone who passed.

Is stood a verb?

Stood is a verb, not an adjective. Stood is the past tense of the verb "stand." Used in a sentence, you might read or hear someone say, "I stood in line at the amusement park for almost an hour."

Use irresolutely in a sentence?

Not sure which restaurant she wanted to eat at with her friend, she stood irresolutely trying to decide until she finally called her friend for suggestions.

How did Rosa parks feel when she stood up for what she believed in?

She more than likely felt proud because she was trying to make a change in the US with her beliefs.

Was Rosa parks life a hero?

She was a life hero becasuse she stood up for her wrights and women might not have there wright by now if that did not happen.

What is the past particle for stood?


Can you get water from tailpipe cos the car as been stood idle for a while?

water in the tailpipe is normal. if you are trying to get a bunch out, just drive quickly up a steep hill.

What is the present perfect tense of stand?

The future tense of stand is "will stand."

Is stood an adverb?

No, the word stood is not an adverb.Stood is a verb, because it is an action.

What part of speech is stood?

Stood is a verb.

Use stood in sentence?

i stood for my rights.