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it is possiable but you really need to see your doctor about it or wait until your period is due than if you don't have your cycle then do a test good luck.

normally the white bumps indicate the begining of producing colostrum-milk. I had this on my first pregnancy. i went for a monthly check up and the gyn asked me if i was/were pregnant and told me that's what the white bumps meant. I would go to the doctor and/or take a preggo test

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Q: If you have white bumps on your nipples could you be pregnant?
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Do my nipples get white if im pregnant?

maybe it might be a symbol that you have milk in your nipples but sometimes you have white you might not have some white on your nipples but some people don't it could be possible to have white if your pregnant

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uuuummm...yeah the only reason i know of of why your nipples would be discharging white liquid is the you would be pregnant but I could be wrong. You should probly check with your doctor.

Are painful breasts with white bumps on the nipples a sign of pregnancy?

Yes it can be, but you can also get these sypmtoms when your period is due or you ovulate!

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It is not bad it is called lactating. It is normal if you are pregnant.

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No, not all cats' nipples will become pink when pregnant. The color change in a cat's nipples can be influenced by various factors such as their individual pigmentation and the stage of pregnancy. Some cats may show a pink coloration in their nipples, while others may not have a noticeable change.

If you have white buds around your nipples does that mean that you are pregnant?

i don't think these are pregnancy symptoms. Maybe you should talk with your doctor

How do your nipples look when you're pregnant?

they look bigger and the color is darker and theirs this white spotting dots aroud it

Do albinos have white nipples?

Albinos do have white nipples. I'm sitting across from one right now and his nipples are indeed white

Your dogs has white pus coming out of her nipples she wont stop licking them and will not get out of bed what should you do?

It's possible she could be pregnant, and the white 'puss' is actually milk, check her stomach, feel around for pups in her stomach and book her in to see a vet.Even if shes not pregnant she still needs to see a vet anyway.

What does it mean when you squeeze your nipples and clear liquid comes out?

if it is clear its normal. if its white and milky its abnormal unless of course you are pregnant

You have sore nipples and a white discharge does this mean im pregnant?

Its highly possible ive heard im in the same boat :(

What could be clusters of little white bumps on all corners of mouth be?
