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Q: If we from apes if we eat a ape is that cannibalism?
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In the ape family a monkey that starts with i?

There are no monkeys in the ape family. Apes are apes and monkeys are monkeys.

Is a chimpanzee a monkey or an ape?

Chimpanzees are considered apes.

What food does a monkey and an ape eat the same?

hhmmm................ monkeys eat meat, they eat anything they can get their hands on but for apes they eat meat and do not eat meat u see. chimpanzees eat meat but gorillas don't BUT!!! they both belong to the ape family

Is there a difference between a chimpanzee and ape?

An ape and a chimp, are in fact, the SAME thing. You see, a chimpanzee is a particular species of animal that fits in a CATEGORY. That category is "apes". There are "apes" and there are "monkeys". Monkeys are smaller and have tails, whereas, the great apes can be huge and they don't have tails. This means that gorillas are apes, chimpanzees are apes, bonobos are apes, and orangutans are apes too. And so are gibbons.

Which one is taller a ape or a gorills?

a gorilla is an ape and is the biggest of apes.

Where does an ape live?

An ape lives in Africa

What did Tarzan call the apes?

Tarzan referred to the apes as his family and often called them "Great Apes" or "Mangani," which means "great-ape" in the ape language in Edgar Rice Burroughs' novels.

What does to ape something mean?

When you ape someone you copy their words or behavior.

How many type apes in the world?

There are eight extant genera of apes, with a total of twenty-four species. These are divided into two main categories, Great Apes and Lesser Apes, each of which has four genera (seventeen Lesser Ape species, seven Great Ape species).

Where did apes evolve from?

Ape-like ancestors.

Is an Ape a montreme?

No, apes are placental mammals.

How are apes born?

they sex and have a babie ape.