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Siamese is a cat breed

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6y ago

You would have a Siamese Cat.

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Q: If my pet was a Siamese would I have a dog or a cat?
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What pet did Jimmy Carter have?

yes his daughter Amy had a Siamese cat

What is china''s most common pet?

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When a Siamese cat wags his tail after you pet him what does it mean?

He liked how you petted him.

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you have to crossbreed shorthair cat and siamese cat

What is the best pet for a girl a dog or a cat?

it depends on the person. If Shes a cat person then a cat is the best pet for them if she is a dog person then a dog is the best pet for her duhhhh

What does common pet mean?

That would mean, the kind of pet that lots of people own, such as a dog or cat. If you had a pet penguin, that would not be a common pet.

Which pet is the biggener pet you cant get a cat dog or a rabbit?

Some dogs would be the bigger out of that group.

Can anyone suggest an alternative food to cat for your pet dog?

dog food would probably work

What pet does everyone have?

First not everyone has a pet but the most common pet would be either a cat,dog or even a fish or gerbil

Which animal is kept more as a pet a cat or a dog?

Of the two animals, the dog is kept more as a pet compared to the cat.

How do you pet your dog and cat on harvest moon ds?

You can only pet your dog and cat if you have the Touch Screen Gloves which you can buy.

Zac Efron have a animal?

If you're talking about a pet. Yes, he has two Germen Shepherds and a Siamese cat.