if your Maltese has been sleaping alote, or sleeping everyday, and they don't eat much.
dog food.
Maltese people eat a variety of dishes for dinner. Some of the popular dishes in Malta that are eaten for dinner include kusksu, timpana, and bragjoli.
Dog Chow
With a fork and knife or a spoon, depends on the meal.
Normal, healthy, sane people don't.
When they are old enough to eat Maltesers.
dog food
Some people feed their dogs at certain times during the day, but it should be fine to leave the food out all day--as long as you know that your Maltese won't finish it all in one bite (which it shouldn't b/c a lot of Maltese like to eat when their owners eat, so if you wanted to give it a schedule of when to eat, maybe a good time would be the same times you eat)
It doesnt
Yes. Owls are excellent hunters, comparable to eagles and falcons.