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Actually, when a werewolf gets bitten by a vampire, it becomes something called a Vampific Werewolf where it's still a werewolf, but acquires wings. But then again, werewolves aren't real, so how can someone possibly be sure.

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12y ago

No, in order to become a werewolf you have to be living, and vampires are un-dead.

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13y ago

no it is not,i bet some nerds probably made it up

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Q: If a vampire bit a werewolf does the werewolf tun into a wolf forever?
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What is a vampire wolf?

Vampire wolves would be impossible to create. If a vampire bit a werewolf, the wolf would die. Vampire venom is like poison to wolves.

What would happen if a zombie bit a werewolf?

In reality, zombies and werewolves are fictitious characters in books and movies. But if this happened in a book or movie, the werewolf would probably turn into a zombie wolf and be stuck in wolf form forever.

How do you get bit by a werewolf?

You can't get bit by a werewolf. They do not exist. You can however be bitten by a wolf, the animal, if you make it angry enough.

How do you become a warewolf sims2 pets PC?

If you see a wolf(which is is a black dog with shiny eyes) go to him and greet him,or her.Gain relationship with him/her and he/she will bit you.You will become not-forever living werewolf!

Are wear wolvs real?

Maybe. The cause of a werewolf is a human got bit by a wolf. To find out go get bit by a wolf if u want. (>^_^)> <(^_^<)

When someone gets bit by a wolf do they turn into a werewolf?

No. Werewolves are fictional characters. They're not real.

Can there be a scientific way to be turned in to a wolf?

no unlesss you get bit by a werewolf or got bewitched and tose are real! No such thing.

In were-wolf movies how do you turn into a werewolf?

Depends on the movie but most the time it happens when the Moon is full after being bit by one.

Does Damon die in the vampire dairies?

well he might he got bit by a werewolf but that's in the book series. he was turned human in the book:///////

How can you be a vampire without getting bit or dead or cutting yourself too?

it suprises me some people have such interests in vampires. you cant become an abnormal super human such as a vampire or wolf without getting bit,cut, or killed and awoke to be a vampire.

Can you tell me step by step on how to become a werewolf in Sims 2 Pets for Gamecube?

plant lots of trees a black wolf dog will come friend it once you are good freinds it will bit you ad they you are a werewolf

Can you make something to turn you to a werewolf?

1) Get bitten by a werewolf. 2) Drink from the footprint of a wolf. 3) Drink from a river from which a wolf's drinken. 4) Be born one. 1) be bornone 2)have on bit you 3) have on blood you +++ Can you be truned into a werewolf - NO! they are creatures of myth but I accept there is a fashion among some people to imagine they are wolves, were or not, in human bodies.