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Not necessarily, especially in the heat of summer. Many horses will lay on their sides simply because it's so hot - many vets get urgent calls from horse-owners in the summer because they think their horse is dying. They're not! If it's not a warm time and they're laying around all the time, try to get them up. They may just be tired if you work them a lot. However, a horse shouldn't lay on its side for very much longer than 30 minutes because of how heavy they are - their own weight can actually cause some serious complications. If your horse lays down for a while but then gets up and seems fine, then maybe lays down again later, that's probably nothing to worry about. If your horse is simply laying there and is unresponsive, there may be cause for concern. When was the horse last vaccinated? Tetanus is a very serious condition in horses that often causes death if not caught quickly. It causes the horse to become rigid to the point where it can no longer stand up, so it must lay on its side. If your horse got a pretty serious cut recently and it was not treated (and was not vaccinated) then tetanus is a major concern. There is also EEE/WEE/VEE to worry about. If you can give any more details, I can help further.

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