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I'd highly doubt it. I got a baby hamster a while back, and stupidly started sticking my finger in the cage to see if she'd smell it. When she did, she bit it and my finger bled pretty bad.
Baby hamsters' teeth can't be too long, so I wouldn't worry about it going off the fact you're bleeding.

I would check with a vet if you are concerned tho, it can be uncomfortable for them if the teeth are a bit too long.

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Q: If a hamster bites you and you start to bleed does this mean their teeth are to long?
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Why does your Syrian hamster bite her cage?

Most likely, it's teeth are getting to big. So it bites the bars of its cage to wear it down. Give it something else to wear it's teeth down with.

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When a hamster bites its cage door, it could be due to boredom, stress, a lack of space, or a desire to explore beyond its enclosure. It may also be a sign that the hamster's teeth need trimming, or it could simply be a natural behavior for some hamsters. Providing enrichment activities, ensuring adequate space and exercise opportunities, and monitoring the hamster's dental health can help address this behavior.

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my hamster i think they are dwarf because i know that dwarf hamster are like 3 to 5 inches.. So their teeth are like rabbits but little,my hamster has short at the front up teeth and long at the front down teeth, and color yellow and this is not my hamster..

Do hamster bites hurt?

Yes, hamster bites can hurt as they have sharp teeth that can break the skin. It's important to handle hamsters gently to minimize the risk of being bitten. If bitten, clean the wound promptly to prevent infection.

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You will likely feel a sharp pain if a bear hamster bites you. Additionally, you may see the hamster's teeth marks on your skin or clothing after the bite. It's important to handle hamsters gently to reduce the risk of being bitten.

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Do hamsters teeth come out?

No, they are not supposed to. Hamster's teeth never stop growing, so they don't need to lose any teeth. If this does happen, consult a vet. To prevent this from ever happening, Give your hamster healthy chewing logs and sticks Don't feed your hamster anything that could get stuck in it's teeth such as sticky, chocolatey foods. Make sure your hamster's teeth don't overgrow. When a hamster's teeth get to long, it is hard for them to eat. Be sure that your hamster keeps his/her teeth strong and healthy by making sure he/she chews on his/her logs/sticks and eats healthy, crunchy foods such as a good seed mix. If you follow all these requirements, your hamster's teeth should be fine.

Can angel bites make your teeth crooked?

I'm not sure what angel bites are, but if you're talking about snake bites, no iv had mine for 6 years and my teeth havnt been effected.