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Well,the girl guinea pig will choose a boy because they will be all over here and then get pregnent.Maybe she can get pregnant by diffrent male guinea pigs but i think it is unlikely.

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Q: If a girl guinea pig was in a cage with a bunch of boy guinea pigs is it pregnant?
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Can a girl guinea pig get pregnant with a boy rabbit?

No the guinea pig will no get pregnant.

Can a female guinea pig get pregnant with a girl guinea pig?

No, not posible.

Can 2 girl guinea pigs share a cage?

NO! NO! NO! my friend did that... lets just say there was blood and 2 dead guinea pigs when she woke up.

Is it ok to have a boy guinea pig and a girl guinea pig be in the same cage?

It depends. They certainly wont be aggresive, but if you do, make sure to spay and nueter them.

Is it ok to put a pregnant guinea pig with a non pregnant female guinea pig?

When I got my guinea pig, we didn't know she was pregnant, so about a month later, my sister got one that wasn't pregnant. It was a little less that a month after that that my guinea pig had 2 babies. During that time, though, Molly, the pregnant guinea pig, was acting very territorial, and Milly, the non pregnant guinea pig, was staying by herself and not having anything to do with Molly. So make sure that if you put a pregnant guinea pig with a non pregnant guinea pig, that the non pregnant guinea pig is a girl, or else there WILL be trouble.

Can a girl fancy mouse get pregnant without a male mouse in the cage?

maybe or maybe not

Can a girl guinea pig get pregnant without a boy guinea pig?

Yes I think so my Guinea pig had babies and we don't think she came in contact with a male

Once a girl guinea pig has babies can they live in the same cage again as long as they are spayed and neutered?

Yes, definately.

What would be the best a guinea pig or a hamster for a girl in high school?

A Guinea pig they live longer and they are bigger so they wont escape if u shut their cage properly

Do girl and boy guinea pigs get along?

I myself own two girl guinea pigs. But i dont understand why they get along so well. I belive that it my just be that girls have no competition, because the competition is left to the boy guinea pigs. So, therefore, that is why girl guinea pigs get along better than boy guinea pigs.

Do guinea pigs do well with cage mates?

it depends if they are both boy or girl. two or more boys will fight but girls wont.

Can a boy guinea pig mate with a girl then go back into a different cage with the boy he was with before he mated?

yea. But if they start mating you have a problem!