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easiest way is to core drill and use pour stone to cement it.

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Q: How would you install a fence on a cement driveway?
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I would recomend an electrical fence. Invisible Fence is a great one to install for you! Here is their website:

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No, copper pipes need to either be soldered, or connected with compression fittings. PVC cement will not bond with copper and provide a "solvent weld", it would be a very weak connection.

Is concrete the same as cement?

No - concrete actually contains cement, along with some sort of course aggregate (usually gravel or other small rocks), a fine aggregate (typically sand), and water. Cement alone is not very structurally sound (you would not be able to drive on a cement driveway without it splitting into lots of little pieces, for example).

How do you calculate the correct setback for a snow fence to protect your driveway?

To calculate the correct setback for a snow fence, consider the prevailing wind direction in your area. Place the snow fence at a distance of about 35 times the height of the fence perpendicular to the wind direction to create an effective barrier against drifting snow. Adjust the setback based on local conditions and the desired level of protection for your driveway.

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Well, I've never used one before but by the reviews I've read, they install quickly with little work as long as you follow the directions. It would probably install faster if you hired someone experienced to do it for you.

Can you use White grout to install porcelain tile?

Not JUST a grout no. You can get a cement that will also work as a grout but a pure grout would not have the adhesion required to stick the tiles to the wall properly, you should not use it as a cement.