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Continuity advertising is a strategy to keep current customers using a particular product.

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Q: How would you describe the continuity objective in advertising?
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How would you describe the switchback objective in advertising?

Companies subscribe to this advertising objective when they want to get back former users of their product brand.

How would you describe the trial objective in advertising?

The purpose of the trial objective is to encourage customers to make an initial purchase of a new product.

How would you describe the brand-switching objective in advertising?

Companies adopt brand switching as an objective when they want customers to switch from competitors' brands to their brands.

How would you describe institutional advertising?

Institutional advertising takes a broad approach to advertising, concentrating on the benefits, concept, idea, or philosophy of a particular industry.

How would you describe frequency in advertising?

Frequency refers to the average number of times that an average consumer is exposed to the advertising campaign.

How would you describe advertising reach?

Reach refers to the percentage of customers in the target market who are exposed to the advertising campaign for a given period.

How would you describe an advertising agency?

Advertising agencies are independent businesses that evolved to develop, prepare, and place advertising in advertising media for sellers seeking to find customers for their goods, services, and ideas (American Association of Advertising Agencies, 2000).

How would you describe point-of-purchase advertising?

Point-of-purchase advertising uses displays or other promotional items near the product that is being sold.

How would you describe advocacy advertising?

Advocacy advertising is normally thought of as any advertisement, message, or public communication regarding economic, political, or social issues.

What is a synonym for continuous?

The word continuously in the adverb form of the adjective continuous.The word continuous is an adjective form of the verb continue.The noun forms of the verb continue are continuation, continuity and the gerund, continuing.Continuously is an adverb and would be used to describe a verb as in the phrase "run continuously." An example of the noun continuity would be, "Continuity was expected."

How would a person describe what copywriting is?

Copywriting is the act of writing any text for the purpose of advertising any product or service. The text is used in brochures, catalogs and advertising to persuade others to purchase your offer product.

What is the use of continuity on electrical cables?

Without continuity they would not conduct electricity so as electric cables they would be a non-starter.