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Q: How would a Great Pyrenees look mixed with a Alaskan Husky?
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Alaskan mixed breeds?

The Alaskan husky is not an official breed but a mixed breed dog that is bred for performance not looks. These dogs are most famous for their part in the Iditarod sled dog race.

Where do Alaskan Huskies originally came from?

The "Alaskan husky" is not an actual breed. The term covers any and all dog's bred to pull sleds, specifically mixed bred dogs. The term first gained popularity in Alaska (of course). A normal Alaskan husky is bred from : sight hounds (grey hounds being the most common!) Collies German Shepherd Siberian husky (More specifically the Seppalla siberian husky) Malamutes Samoyeds and labs. Currently there are more GSD/grey hound mixes used as Alaskan huskies then any other breed.

Why do most Mushers today use a mixed breed as opposed to the Alaskan Husky?

The Alaskan Husky is a mixed breed. It is the dog most used for mushing at this point in time. The reason the Alaskan is the most popular breed for mushing is mostly due to racing. Since Alaskans are a mix breed and often have various types of hound mix they are typically faster than the purebred dogs. This is more of a factor in sprint racing than it is in distance. There are still a few purebred Siberian Husky teams competing in distance racing that are doing quite well.

What would an English mastiff mixed with a great Pyrenees look like?

Absolutely gorgeous. Our Sophie only has 1/4 of the Pyrenees, but we constantly get compliments on how pretty she is.

What mixed breed favors a Pyrenees and German shepherd?

Pyrenees mountain dog

What kind of dog is Santa paws in Santa Buddies?

Great Pyrenees golden retriever jack Russel terrier Australian shepherd Chinese shar pei long coated Chinese crested mixed breeds

What are the kinds of huskies?

If you mean sled dog breeds?Traditional sled dog breeds include the Siberian Husky, the Alaskan Malamute, the Chinook, the Sakhalin Husky, the Canadian Eskimo dog, the Seppala Siberian sled dog, the Tamaskan husky, the Samoyed, the Eurohound, the Mackenzie River husky, and the Greenland dog.While these dogs are bred for the purpose of pulling a sled, many other breeds have been used, including mixed breeds. These days, that tradition lives on in sled dog racing, where the most popular breeds include the Alaskan Husky, and various cross breeds, often based on the German Shorthaired Pointer. However, many breeds have been used, including the poodle!Alaskan huskies are favored in modern sled dog races because they are faster than traditional breeds like the Alaskan malamute or the Samoyed. They are not as strong, but in sled dog racing where speed is important, and the distances are shorter, Alaskan huskies were found to perform better. Alaskan husky dogs are not a recognized breed. They are bred for their performance, and so they cannot be easily characterized as a breed. Alaskan husky dogs represent a variety of types with different lines. They are hybrid dogs - a husky with another breed, that is determined by the needs and ideas of the breeders. A husky may be bred with a wolf, setters, or any other breed that can bring genetic advantages in speed and endurance.

What is a rottweiler mixed with a husky called?

Rottsky is the name given to A Rottweiler X Husky mix.

Can a Siberian husky be short?

depens what they're mixed with

How much does a shar Pei mixed with husky weigh?

my MALE sharpei, husky mix weighed 52 lbs.

What is an Alaskan fire dragon?

A really mixed up dragon.

In balto what breed is Kirby?

he is a chow chow mixed with a husky.