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Borrow a portable litter box from your neighbors or family members and gently pick up the cat and put her in there.You might also want to put some cat food in the litter box with her and then just carry the litter box to the vet,but if your taking the cat to the vet in a car,a person should securely hold the litter box in their lap while sitting in the BACK seat.

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Q: How to take a stray cat to vet who has a broken paw?
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What can you give to your cat for pain in left foot?

Never self medicate your cat. Take the cat to vet for a proper diagnosis on it's paw. There could be a broken bone or an infection you can't see.

How do I tell if my cats paw is broken?

Your first clue is that the cat does not step on the foot. Naturally there may be something else wrong with the foot. But if the cat does not step on it´s foot, you really need to contact a vet.

How do you tell what is wrong with a swelled paw on a cat?

You should take the cat to the veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment.

Cat has broken nailwill that make him limp and not be able to put weight on his leg?

Depends on where the break is, if it is inside of the paw then it is lilely to be painful and cause limping, however if break is outside of the paw it is unlikely to be painful. If it is inside the paw put some antiseptic on it and bandage it, to reduce the chances of infection that would make it worse.O.K.If your cat has broken it's nail, it will not be able to put A LOT of weight on it's foot or paw or leg. But it will limp for some time until you clup the broken nail off or it comes off. If the cat meows in pain, or is sounding a little funny, then you should take it to the vet. If the nail is broken near the skin, rush to the vets office before something bad happens.I'll keep your cat in my prayers if you HAVE to RUSH to the vets office! :-J

Can you fix a broken paw tendon of a cat?

tendons are not bones therefore they cannot break its probably a torn tendon

What is the duration of The Cat's-Paw?

The duration of The Cat's-Paw is 1.7 hours.

What colour are the paw pads of a Burmese cat?

The color of the paw pads on a Burmese cat are brown.

When was The Cat's-Paw created?

The Cat's-Paw was created on 1934-07-30.

Your cat fell off the dresser and he sprained his paw what do you do?

Take him to the vet immediately!

Your cat has a red inflamed paw pad what should you do?

Take him/her to the vet immediately.

Will a bunny still live with a broken paw?

yes a bunny will live with a broken paw

Cat was in fight and half of paw pad is gone what should I do?

It's important to take your cat to the vet immediately for proper treatment. The vet will assess the injury, clean the wound, and provide appropriate care to prevent infection and promote healing. Keep the injured paw clean and bandaged until you can get your cat to the vet.