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It is normal behavior for a new mother cat. Keep away from the baby for now.

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Q: How to deal with a mother cat's attacking you after accidentally stepping on her kitten?
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When a kitten leaves will the mother miss her?

More often than not, no. The mother and the kitten will adjust. Most likely, the kitten will not remember its mother. The mother will be fine.

Why does your kitten suckle on a raggedy bit of an old cushion?

The kitten could think its their mother. Is the kittens mother still with it? If not, the kitten might think for some reason that it is suckling on its mother.

Do kittens usually pee on their own This kitten has her eyes open and can support her own weight to walk.?

If the kitten has a mother the mother will help the kitten naturally, if not you might have to take a warm cloth and wipe the kitten's bum. That's how mother cats get them to go, the lick their bums

When will your kitten be weaned from her mother?

A kitten is usually weaned at baout 8 weeks.

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What is Tom Kitten's mother's name by Beatrix Potter?

Tom Kitten's mother's name in Beatrix Potter's story is Tabitha Twitchit.

How do you take the lost kitten to the mother in animal crossing wild world?

The mother is n one of your friends town once i was sleeping at my friends house and i had the kitten and she had the mother.

How do you know if a mother cat neglected her kitten?

none of your buisness so leave the mother alone :( p.s its cause of your scent on the kitten the mother think's it is not her's

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How do you ween a kitten?

Typically, the mother does this. However, if you own a kitten who does not have a mother and is at the proper stage for weaning, do like a mother cat would do: No matter how much it begs, it should not live on a diet of milk.

Can a kitten live in the same house with an adult cat that is not their mother?

Yes, providing the kitten is fully weaned.