Ernie Dingo's birth name is Ernest Ashley Dingo.
Ernie Dingo is married to Sally Dingo, whom he married in 1989.
Bessie Dingo
Ernie Dingo is from the Yamatji Aboriginal tribe, of the Maheleny region in Western Australia.
As of September 2021, Ernie Dingo is alive and well.
Ernest "Ernie" Dingo is 60 years old (born July 31, 1956)
Ernie Dingo is a famous actor and presenter in film and television. He is also a comedian, teacher, and promoter.
Currently, Ernie Dingo appears on The Great Outdoors, an Australian travel show.
Ernie Dingo was born on Bullardoo Station, not far from the town of Mullewa in Western Australia.