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Q: How tall can a super mastiff get?
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Is a mastiff 6 feet tall?

The average height for an English Mastiff is approximately 30 inches or 2 1/2 feet tall at the shoulders for a male, a female is typically a few inches shorter.

How tall is a Bullmastiff?

This depends on which breed of Mastiff you mean. Mastiff's are all large dogs, but there are individual breed standards for each. Here are some of the more common breeds of Mastiff:Mastiff (Old English Mastiff) - 30 inches at the shoulderNeapolitan Mastiff - 25.5 to 29.5 inches at the shoulderBullmastiff - 24 to 27 inches at the shoulderFrench Mastiff (Dogue de Bordeaux) - 22.75 to 26.75 inches at the shoulderFila Brasileiro - 25.5 to 29.5 inches at the shoulder, but no official heightGreat Dane (German Mastiff) - Minimum height 28 inches at the shoulder

How tall can any dog get?

well it depends on the dog because a chihuahua can get to be 1-2 feet tall and a mastiff can be like as tall as a person can get and sometimes even taller.

Is a tibetan mastiff endangered?

The English Mastiff and Bullmastiff are rare, but not endangered. Endangered Mastiff's are the Tibetan Mastiff, Alangu Mastiff, Neapolitan Mastiff and Belgian Mastiff.

What is the heaviest bull mastiff?

282 pound masiff named Hercules, he is in the book of world records and he's super cute!

How tall is Jared siegal?

super tall

What is bigger a french mastiff or a african mastiff?

A French mastiff is correctly called a Dogue De Bordeaux and is smaller than a Mastiff.

How big do mastin get?

they get big If you mean the English Mastiff or Old English Mastiff, they grow to 32 inches tall, and 175 - 200 lbs. Although the breed originates from the UK, I understand that they are called "Mastin" in French-speaking countries.

How many breeds of mastiff dog are there?

Quite a few actually. Popular ones are... English Mastiff German Mastiff (Better known as Great Dane) Tibetian Mastiff Neapolitan Mastiff Bull Mastiff Anatolian Mastiff French Mastiff Spanish Mastiff And still there are more. c:

Which is best betweenenglish mastiff or naplion mastiff?

100% English mastiff is better then neo

Is an English mastiff a bredd of a cane corsa?

The English Mastiff and Cane Corsa are both Mastiff breeds. There are many dog breeds labeled under Mastiff. Some more are the Bullmastiff, Neapolitan Mastiff, Tibetan Mastiff, and the Dogue De Bordeaux. Also, the Great Dane was first known as the German Mastiff.

How tall is super Mario from super Mario?

Mario is 169cm