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Whoever said no, they are wrong. An adult rhino against an adult lion would result in the rhino winning. The Rhino's muscle and weight dominates the likes of a single lion, and a whole pack of lions. No lion pack has ever taken down a Rhino that is not ill, wounded, or old. The lion is only stronger then a baby rhino. Lions need prey that isn't as strong and intimidating as the rhino, that's why their most common meal is gazelle and zebra. Very rare will they eat a Rhino Calf because it's Mother would be so protective, the lions would be risking their lives and allowing a risk of fatal wounds. The Rhino is so dangerous it has no predators, besides humans with their modern technology, if we lived like cavemen still, the adult rhino would not have a single predator. Rhinos have proven themselves to be at the top of being the most defensive animal on land.

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13y ago
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11y ago

They are actually very powerful. It has actually been recorded to one time take a 1,500 lb pickup truck on its side. I have acutally seen a rhinoceros flip over a car. I have also seen a rhinoceros use its massive power and its large sharp horn and it actually punctured a 20 gauge steel barrel and puncture stainless steel. I can imagine a rhinoceros have the strength to flip over a 4,000-6,000 lb truck up on its side. But it has not been proven, but think of its massive hitting power can cause that.

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14y ago

A rhino beetle can lift 850 times it's own weight

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12y ago


Rhino Beetle is the strongest Rhino because it can lift 850 times it weight.

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13y ago

the rhino's outer skin improves the rhinos strength from force pushing or pulling against it

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6y ago

Very strong!

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really strong

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12y ago

No; elephants are stronger.

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Nothing eats a White Rhino, because of their horns, large size and strong skin.

Who would win rhino or juggernaut?

juggernaut would win.he is an immortal. Rhino is not. he has won each battle. juggernaut is more unstoppable. rhino is not that strong for the unstoopable juggernaut. So juggernaut would beat him easily.

What would win in a fight between an Rhino and a Grizzly bear?

A rhino is actually very dangerous compared with a grizzly bear when rhinos have strong horns and a long, thick body protecting itself. The grizzly bear can swat the rhino's head, but that will only infuriate the rhino since the rhino has tough head skin. Overall, the rhino will win by charging and knocking the bear down.

How long does a allergy eater live?

I have a Rhino Allergy Eater.. He is 23 years old and going strong.

Who will win in a fight between a bull and a rhino?

A rhino has a ton of muscle, strong giant horn, longer body, and better bulk than an ox. In fact, rhinos weigh 4 tons, which is quite a lot, and thick hide is built for the rhino to protect itself from the ox's hooves and horns.

Who would win in a fight she-hulk or rhino from Marvel Comics?

The Hulk is the strongest Character in Marvel and since She-Hulk is his cousin she is very strong as well. Although she is weaker than the Hulk I would say she is still stronger than Rhino. So She-Hulk beats Rhino. I better fight would be The Thing vs Rhino :D But Thing would probably win.

How has the rhino beetle adapted to life in the rainforest?

It adapts by using it's strong shell to carry food and defend itself.

Where do red rhinos live?

There is no such thing as a red rhino. There are five rhino species alive today. They are the white rhino, black rhino, Indian rhino, Sumatran rhino, and Javan rhino.

White rhino or American rhino bigger?

There is no species called American Rhino. But the white rhino is the biggest of the Rhino species.

What would win in a fight between a Rhino and a Grizzly bear?

A grizzly would stand no chance against a rhino, there claws are not sharp enough for the rhinoceros hard skin, rhino use there horn to defend themself and one stamb is more then enough to kill the bear. A speedy animal like tiger or lion would perhaps stand a chance against a rhino but a grizzly will lose. they kill there prey by swatting them straight in the face, but the rhino is far to strong for the grizzly to kill. A rhino can easily kill a grizzly bear by charging and hitting it with its horn.

What is the biological name of a rhino?

White Rhino - Ceratotherium simumBlack Rhino - Diceros bicornisIndian Rhino - Rhinoceros unicornisJavan Rhino - Rhinoceros sondaicusSumatran Rhino - Dicerorhinus sumatrensisAbove are the biological names of the many different species of Rhino's