Their strong legs/leg muscles
Cheetahs have evolved to be fast rather than strong. To be quick to catch prey you need to be light and slender. Being large with big muscles doesn't really help them, so smaller they are.
your hamstring should be as strong as your quad so that the force exerteted on the leg will be equal to both muscles
Don't know really what you mean, but if you're talking muscle wise, the back muscles and leg muscles are usually the strongest.
Leg muscles are deep to the skin of your leg. The skin is superficial to the muscles.
abs, obliques, gluts, and rhomboids. a strong core and leg muscles are also helpful.
So they can go faster!
you use your leg muscles alot and your arm muscles. you use your leg muscles alot and your arm muscles.
Because different ages muscles get stronger and fully develop at different times. I had very strong leg muscles mine fully developed at 7 months but everyone else in my family started walking at 1 or 2.
The best workouts for leg muscles are stair steps, aerobic exercise, and leg lifts as they efficiently build the leg and calf muscles.
because chickens are having little wide wings and a very strong leg muscles.
why do my leg muscles tighten and in pain when I'm walking