Neutered is the name of the process done to male dogs.
Which makes your question unclear.
You could be asking about at which age male puppies can be neutered.
Or you could be asking about how soon after giving birth a female dog can be spayed.
Different questions, different answers.
Spaying a dog that has given birth = Once the puppies are weaned.
Spaying or neutering puppies, the suggestion is between 4-6 months. Basically as close to, but prior to, the age of sexual maturity. I feel that neutering and spaying too young (6-8 weeks) may have adverse effects on the pup's "emotional" stability. Speaking from experience.
Neutering an adult male dog can happen anytime regardless of what's happening in any pregnancy the male dog has caused.
The normal accepted answer to this is six months. In cases of an emergency, the procedure can be done at an earlier age, but as a general rule, it should not be done prior to 6 months old. The pups body needs to develop quite a bit before such a radical procedure is done.
not until all puppies have been weaned and all milk has dried up, it takes about 10 to 12 days for milk to be all dried up then call your vet and ask if its ok now
A Tornjak Dog should be groomed every day to avoid coat matting.
Yes, a purebred Greater Swiss Mountain Dog should be groomed weekly.
Yes, the Saluki dog breed should be groomed twice a week.
The Portuguese Water Dogs should be groomed about once a month.
giving them tacos
7 months
NO! You have to spay or neuter.
Don't let your dog mate or neuter/spay your dog.
Dogs get groomed in parlours. Dogs should be groomed (nails cut, bathed, and or trimmed) every 2 or 3 weeks. Dog groomers and sometimes, vet, facilitate dog parlours.
If you are asking whether it is good to neuter a dog, then the answer is yes, if you do not intend to breed with the dog then it is definitely better to neuter the dog. This makes him healthier and happier.