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A kitten's eye will open and it will be able to hear around three weeks old.

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12y ago

Well it WOULD be about 9-14 days.

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Q: How old is a kitten when it has its eyes open?
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Are a 4 week old kitten's eyes supposed to be small?

A 4 week old kitten's eyes are not supposed not to be small since they open up by the second week hence they are becoming big.

How do you open a orphaned kitten's eyes?

It is not a very good idea to open a kitten's eyes. It could damage a kitten's growth. Keep in mind that a kitten's eyes are fully open in four weeks. So, I suggest seeing a vet if the eyes are not developing and not opening after a long period of time.

What does a 4 week old kitten look like?

Small and hi/her claws arnt open yet. his eyes probaly wont be open

When does a kitten open its eyes?

7-10 days after birth

How many day until kitten eyes open?

It takes about 8-10 days to open.

When will kittens open their eyes?

7-10 days after birth

Do kittens see when there born?

Kittens are born with their eyes closed, but they are not blind. Their eyes typically open around 7-10 days old. Until then, they rely on their sense of touch and smell to navigate their surroundings.

Why would a newborn kittens eyes not open?

First of all, this is perfectly normal, so dont worry! When a kitten is born, its eyes are still developing, thus they are sealed shut. At around 10 to 12 days, the eyes should start to open. If a kitten's eyes have not open beyond 12-ish days, see a vet- There could be an underlying problem.

What happens if a kitten opens its eyes early?

If a kitten opens its eyes early, it could potentially lead to developmental issues such as vision problems or sensitivity to light. It's important for kittens to keep their eyes closed until they are ready to properly process visual information to ensure proper eye development. If a kitten does open its eyes early, it's best to consult with a veterinarian for guidance on how to properly care for the kitten.

Hou long does it take before a kitten opens its eyes?

Kittens typically open their eyes between 7 to 10 days old. It can vary slightly depending on the individual kitten and its breed.

Can you give penicillin to a 10 week old kitten it has mattered eyes?


How old is a kitten that has dry fur but the umbilical cord is still wet?

It will be quite young. After a few days the umbilical cord will harden and fall of. However, the kitten may be a few hours old - check if it's eyes are open or not - as the mother will dry her kits as soon as they are born, by licking them.