A horse in captivity will live for 20-30 years, as long as you keep a horse well fed and clean then you will have a long living, healthy horse.
The oldest horse ever recorded was a horse named Old Billy who I believed live to 56 years old, 2x the average life span of a horse in captivity.
A horse in the wild will only live 8-10 years sadly since their teeth will over grow and go over their gums therefore cutting their lip. Their hooves will also over grow causing injury and possibly tripping into the wrong things. There are also other ways of quick departure on a horse, see, wild horses fight, they're playful yet vicious. A horse with over grown hooves or teeth could hit or bite the defending horse the wrong way and cause harsh injury on the horse.
most horses live up to 30 years old but if the horse was looked after properly it may live longer
Yes, the oldest horse was I think 62 or 63. His name was Old Billy. He was a draft horse. Horses live around 25-35 years. Arabian horses, ponies and mules live 35-45 years. Draft horses tend to live about 25- 30 years old. It depends on the horse and their life.
A horse (ifyou are lucky) can live to be 30 (I have had some live to 40)
It is unusual for a horse to live to the age of 36 although this is by no means the record age. It is not unusual for a horse to live into their middle to late twenties.
20 to 25 but Arabs live 25 to 30
Most horses live to be about 25-30 but a horse named Old Bille lived to be 62.
The oldest horse is around 60 years old. Horses cannot live to be 85.
Usually 25-30 years. the oldest horse to live was Old Billy, a stallion who lived to be 62 years of age.
It depends my horse is a qaurter horse so he will live fo 40 years tops Mostly they live to 25-30
The average age for a horse to live up to is about 25 to 30 years old this of course depends what breed of horse, how it is looked after , if it has any health issues or its environment but the average well cared horse 25- 30 years old some horses will even live up to 40 years old! :)
Yes, it can. The oldest horse was named Old Billy, and he lived to be 62 years old! I guess Old Billy really lived up to his name!
A buckskin is a color, not a breed of horse. A light horse's average lifespan is between 18-22 years old, tho some horses can live as old as 35. If it is a pony it can live even longer. If it is a draft horse it will be lucky to see 16-18 years old, tho the only true draft that comes in the buckskin color is a Fjord.