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To give them a bath with flea shampoo you should wait (like the label should say) until the kitten is older then 12 weeks. An alternative to flea shampoo would be just to wash your kitten with dawn soap, which you can use before it is 12 weeks. An easy way to do this is to wrap your kitten in a towel (to protect yourself and the kitten) and submerge it (except for the head). Most of the fleas will drown, then use the soap to wash your kitten.

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13y ago
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Anita Spencer

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1y ago
After the flea bath all she wanted to do was sleep. She tried to get up but her legs were too weak.
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14y ago

First, check to make sure that the flea dip or shampoo you are using is for cats, either specifically or generic. But if the label says DO NOT USE ON CATS, then DON'T. Doing such can be fatal unless you take your cat to the vet RIGHT AWAY.

Symptoms can be severe shaking and dilated pupils. If you did, wash your cat off with Dawn soap RIGHT AWAY. If that doesn't do it, then you should take your cat to the vet or animal hospital.

But if it is make for your cats, be careful and DON'T get the head wet. Carefully wash your cat in the sink or in the tub, scrubbing it.

If you don't have any flea dip, there are products out there like Advantage for cats.

A few warnings, too. Read ALL warnings and precautions. Read the instructions, if there are any, before you get started, and if it is a gel, DO NOT pet your cat in that area until the treatment has soaked in.

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13y ago

The answer to this question is simple. Put a very small amount of water in a bathtub, then set your cat down. It will try to get out, but never let this happen. Slowly rinse the cat quickly and be sure it isn't to scared. Also talk to the cat or kitten in a soft voice and try to help keep it calm. Note: Keep a towel close at hand to lift the cat back into the tub if he/she gets out.

You may laugh at this answer, but this worked for me. We had a young adult feral we had taken it and vetted, but he smelled. I tried to bathe him and he attempted to shred me (he had some daggers) as I leaned over the tub. I decided to change my plan and put on swimming trunks and went in the tub with him. That calmed him down and he let me soap 'im up and rinse him relatively easily after that. Maybe seeing me in water with him was less frightening them looming from the dry beyond to dump water on him---who knows? But it WORKED!

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13y ago

(1)first fill a bath were the cat doesn't need to swim and shut the doors so that the cat cant escape if he jumps out of the bath/shower. (2) take the shower of the handler so that you can rinse the cat after he has been soaped. (3) now put the cat in the water and grab the neck, (like mothers do with there kitten) but do not lift it up on the hind legs or off the ground (also DO NOT let go of the cats neck until told so). You well do this so the cat wont escape the bath.(4) try to get a good grip so the cat wont run off. Now these cats will push and tug until you cant take it if you don't get a good grip!(5) So then you put Cat Flea Shampoo on him/her. DO NOT USE HUMAN OR DOG SHAMPOO!(6) After that scrub its back and its stomach. You lightly scrub the neck so you don't hurt your cat. keep scrubbing for 3-4 minutes until you rinse so that the medicine kills all the fleas.(after step 7 you may let go of your cat) (7)a then rinse your cat off and dry it very good, You don't want it catching a cold! Then leave the cat inside to make sure its completely dry and it doesn't get dirty outside when wet.

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9y ago

the same way you give a normal cat a bath unless they have fleas then you will need a special flea shampoo or worms requires a vaccination from a vet .Call a vet to help if you need help....Get a professional. You don't give a ferral cat a bath unless you want to be attacked!!

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10y ago

Heres the most helpful link I found. Its step by step but not detailed. Hope your cat is clean soon!

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Q: How old does a cat have to be to give them a flea bath?
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You can start giving a kitten a bath once they are at least 8 weeks old. Before that age, kittens are usually not able to regulate their body temperature effectively and may get chilled during bathing. Always use a mild kitten-specific shampoo and make sure to dry them thoroughly after the bath to prevent them from getting cold.

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I used sergeants gold flea med on cat 3 days ago Can I apply frontline today as he's still scratching He's about 8 yrs old and pretty healthy but miserable from fleas.?

You should not apply a second medication to close to the time you apply the first one. Your cat may do better if you bathe him to get rid of most of the flea burden. If he is too miserable, give your vet a call. Too many fleas can cause a cat to become anemic.

How old is Flea?

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