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Q: How old do shetland sheepdogs usually live to be?
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Do old english sheepdogs give live birth or eggs?

All dogs are mammals and give live birth to a litter of puppies.

How old can a shetland pony be?

With the exception of certain dwarf ponies resulting from genetic mutation, the Shetland is the smallest breed of horse. The average height is about 102 cm (40 inches; unlike other horses, Shetlands are not measured in hands). Maximum height is 117 cm. Mfire

What do Old English Sheepdogs eat?

Wow, I'm tring so hard to find the old English sheepdogs diet that I'm going bizerk!!!!!!!!!!!

When did sheepdogs first herd?

when there 1 years old

Where is a good reading site to find facts about old English sheepdogs?


What kind of dog makes a good companion to old English sheepdogs?

A Beagle

How long do shetland ponies live for?

Many ponies are long-lived, it is not unusual for a Shetland pony to live more than 30 years. Conversely, their small size also predisposes some individuals to a greater probability of heart problems than in larger animals, on occasion leading to early death.

Are Old English Sheepdogs easy to train?

Old English Sheepdogs are intelligent and eager to please, which can make them relatively easy to train. However, they can also be stubborn at times, so consistent and patient training is key. It is important to start training early and use positive reinforcement methods.

How heavy are Old English Sheepdogs?

Old English Sheepdogs typically weigh between 60-100 pounds, with males being on the heavier end of the range. It's important to maintain a healthy weight through diet and exercise to prevent obesity-related health issues in this breed.

How old do girls usually live?

They usually live to 18 and then they turn into women.

Who is the world's oldest person in shetland?

The oldest person in Shetland is believed to be 110-year-old Joyce Smith, as of current records.

Can a 28 year old ride a shetland pony?