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They CAN conceive from 3 months old but I wouldn't recommend this, especially for the doe (female) as she hasn't fully grown and it can be dangerous for both her and the kits. It is best waited till 6 months of age before breeding them :)

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12y ago

They can become pregnant at 4 months old.

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Q: How old do rabbits have to be to conceive?
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Do you need a male rabbit to conceive?

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Yes Most 8 Week Old Rabbits Can Mine Does x

How long does it take a rabbit to get estrus?

Rabbits do not have a typical estrus cycle as other mammals. Rabbits are stimulated to ovulate by the mating act, and as such, can be ready to mate and conceive again as soon as they drop each litter -- approximately every 30 days.

How old are rabbits when they walk?

When they get ready!

How old do rabbits breed?

Rabbits can breed any where from five to six months of age.

How much do you get for baby rabbits?

It really all depends on the number of rabbits you are selling and how old they are.

Do rabbits ever get to old to have babies?

acttully rabbits aren't to old to have babys because what if your a grandma and you didn't no if you were going to have a baby but then you did so yes!

How old do mini lop rabbits live to be?

All rabbits live for 7-12 years and the longest living bunny was 19 years old.

Can 8 year old rabbits have babies?
