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Six weeks.


Taking a kitten away at six weeks is far too early.

Many, if not all, cat breeders strongly advise that you should not take a kitten away from its litter until 10-12 weeks of age. The reason for this is this allows the kittens to learn how to behave around other kittens and people. Playing with their litter-mates and mother teaches the kittens what is and is not acceptable. Taking a kitten away at this crucial stage of development can cause behavior issues later on in its life as it will not have been taught otherwise.

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14y ago
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12y ago

A kitten can be moved from its birthplace a 3-5 weeks old or whenever they are able to start moving around on their own, however the kitten should not leave its mother until its 10-12 weeks old, if possible.

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13y ago

Only move them if they are not in a safe, sheltered place. Provide mother and kittens a dark place, like a closet or under a desk where they will not be disturbed. She may not be agreeable, so show her the new place when she leaves the babies to eat. Let her move the babies, if she is strongly protective.

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14y ago

A kitten can be taken from its mother at the age of 5 months

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Why would a mother cat move her 6 week old kittens?

It's the inherent nature for any animal to make there kids move and make them find there own rescue sites for their own. They sense that the the training is done enough and they need to move forward on that.

Why would mother cat mover her kittens?

If the area were she had her babys is continually disturbed mother cat will move her babys cats like a dark enclosed place like a closet to have babys