A standard poodle usually lives to be between 12 and 16.
A standard poodle is the largest size of the poodle breed, sometimes laller than a German Shepard breed.
Standard poodles will eat most things. It depends on what he or she prefers, just like humans have their own tastes in foods, so do poodles.
Yes, there are black poodles, they are very cute.
Poodles can often live to be 16 to 18 years old and a few make it to 20. The smaller poodles live the longest. They are a sturdy and highly intelligent dog and one breed that has fewer diseases or other physical problems. Usually the average life span of a poodle ranges from around 13-14 years.
Standard poodles have webbed feet. Miniature and Toy poodles do not.
In general, the smaller the dog, the longer it lives, as long as it is healthy. For small poodles, this means they may live to be 12+ years old.
Poodles live just fine in the house, they don't shed and they don't have an odor.
How much do poodles WEIGH first of all. On average toy poodles are 6 pounds On average standard poodles are 55 pounds On average Mini poodles are 15 pounds. GL with your dog
Poodles can be found on all continents except Antarctica.