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They are known to continue reproducting into their 20s and they continue in good health into their 30s!

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Q: How old can a minicher horse live?
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How do you ride a minicher horse?

you ride a minichre horse like someone would ride any other horse

What are minicher pinchers job?

no minicher pinchers are not mean they are just really protective

How old can a horse live up to in age?

most horses live up to 30 years old but if the horse was looked after properly it may live longer

How long does a minicher schnauzer live?

Lifespan of Miniature Schnauzers at a little over 12 years. About 20% lived to 15 years

Wanted to know if a horse can live up to 62 years old. Also how old can a horse live up to?

Yes, the oldest horse was I think 62 or 63. His name was Old Billy. He was a draft horse. Horses live around 25-35 years. Arabian horses, ponies and mules live 35-45 years. Draft horses tend to live about 25- 30 years old. It depends on the horse and their life.

Why are schnauzers small?

they are not small but minicher one is

Is there such thing as a minicher cockapoo?

yes, i have one

Can you ride a minicher horse?

No, they are too little except for very little children. They are instead used for driving, lunge classes, halter classes and other things that do not require a rider.

How old do the really old horses get?

A horse (ifyou are lucky) can live to be 30 (I have had some live to 40)

Is 36 old for a horse?

It is unusual for a horse to live to the age of 36 although this is by no means the record age. It is not unusual for a horse to live into their middle to late twenties.

How old is old for a horse?

20 to 25 but Arabs live 25 to 30

How long does a horse live two?

Most horses live to be about 25-30 but a horse named Old Bille lived to be 62.