Grain-fed beefers (steers and heifers) are slaughtered around 18 to 24 months of age. Grass-fed beefers are slaughtered around 24 to 28 months of age.
Texas longhorns can be slaughtered at any age and weight above 200 to 300 lbs. Cows and bulls can be slaughtered at any age, young or old, and heifers and steers are often slaughtered between 800 and 1200 lbs, be they around the age of 8 months to 14 months of age.
Yes. Steers are the most common type of bovine that are raised and slaughtered for beef over bulls and cows/heifers. Bullocks (young bulls) in Europe are also most commonly raised and slaughtered for beef.
That really depends on how that steer is being finished, what breed it is and how much meat (determined by size of the carcass) you want. There are different breeds that tend to reach carcass maturity a lot later than others, and how that particular steer is finished also affects the rate of finish that steer undergoes. For most steers in the feedlot, they are kept until they are around 18 to 22 months of age upon which time they are slaughtered. On grass, they wouldn't be slaughtered until they reach around 24 to 30 months of age. Steers that are very late maturing (like Jerseys, Holsteins, and Highlands), may not be slaughtered until they're at least 30 months old.
Longhorn steers can live up to 2 years when they are slaughtered for meat. However a few ranches keep steers longer than that if they are good for helping with the younger cows to find their way to the best grazing areas, water sources, etc. But 99% of longhorn steers are killed for their meat.
Raymond Steers goes by Steers.
Beef cattle usually will live up to about 15 years, however, when used for meat purposes they will live to about 1-2 years old. Dairy producing cattle will live for about 7-10 years depending on the longevity of the animal. Dairy bulls will live for about 14-15 years. Veal calves will live until they are about 2-5 months old.
Steers was created in 196#.
Larry Steers's birth name is Lawrence Wells Steers.
Larry Steers is 6'.
Pretty well any age, really. Bobby calves (those that are a few days old) can be sold for veal (but this is primarily limited to dairy, not beef cattle). Baby beef calves are those that are from 1 to 6 months of age. Beef steers/heifers/bulls can be slaughtered/sold between 6 and 18 months of age, if your purpose is for beef production.
The 'helmsman' steers a submarine.