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Cats can mate and have kittens as soon as they are over six months old.

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Q: How old are cats when they have kitens?
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Related questions

What do you feed kitens?

Kitten's When Old Enough Can Have Normal Cat Food But Add Water To The Food So It Is Soft Enough So They Don't Choke Or Hurt Them Selves!

Can you get to kitens from different litters?

Yes, as long as they are still young they will be fine together.

Do cats get attached to their kittens?

Yes, mother cats form strong attachments to their kittens. They are very attentive and caring towards their young, grooming them, providing them with warmth and nourishment, and teaching them important skills for survival. This bond helps ensure the survival and well-being of the kittens.

How do you raise new born kittens?

first you need formula for the kitens ,Do not let the cat go outside feed the cats with bottles you can buy at cat stores. another thing you do is keep it in a confined area later when it is old enough to go outside put it through the window and go outside and watch it for a while putting the cat through the window will make it so it will never leave

Why do old cats scream?

old cats scream because they are dying.

What is a cats lifespand?

Cats live on average 8 to 22 years, but by 10 years old they are already "old".

What are the ratings and certificates for Old Cats - 2010?

Old Cats - 2010 is rated/received certificates of: Netherlands:12

How old was Jo gibb when she was in cats?

she was 22 when she did the 1998 video of cats

How can you share 6 cups of milk equally with 5 kitens?

Each kitten gets 1 whole cup and 1/5 of a cup each !

How do cats dye?

Cats do not dye their fur naturally. If a cat's fur appears to be a different color, it may be due to a variety of factors such as genetics, age, health, or environmental exposure. If you are considering coloring your cat's fur, it is not recommended as it can be harmful and stressful for the cat.

Are calico cats trainable?

All Cats are train able if not fat and lazy and old like about 6 years old

Why young animals looks cute for humands and older ones not?

baby cats look more cuter than old cats but old cats are more easy to find!