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The ASPCA suggests that you should feed your guinea pig twice daily.

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Guniea pigs really enjoy fresh lettuce and carrots

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Q: How often should you feed fresh food to a guinea pig of 9 weeks?
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Related questions

How many weeks should you take a male guinea pig out from the female guinea pig?


Can guinea pigs go on grass at 8 weeks old?

Guinea pigs should be going on grass about since they are 1-2 weeks old because grass is part of there diet Guinea pigs should be going on grass about since they are 1-2 weeks old because grass is part of there diet

How long does a new guinea pig stay shy?

if you spend lots of time with your guinea pig then you should bond in about 3 weeks.

Do you need to potty train your guinea pig?

Guinea pigs CAN be litter box trained.There are many different ways you can do it, heres a site that will be able to further explain.

How long should a baby guinea pig be with it's mom?

For at least 6 weeks.

Can you take a baby guinea pig away from there mum at 10days old?

You should keep the baby guinea pigs with their mothers until they are around 3-5 weeks!

How old does a male guinea pig have to be to get a female guinea pig pregnante?

A male guinea pig can impregnate a female when it's only two months old. It should be separated from its mother and sisters by six weeks.

When baby guinea pigs are eating and drinking can they be taken away?

Baby guinea pigs can be taken away when they are any younger then 4 weeks old. The topic is debatable but after 4 weeks should be fine. Especially if it is eating and drinking on it's own.

Can you feed a baby guinea pig lactose free milk?

NO , please do not do this. you only give guinea pigs milk if you have to like if the mother has rejected it and it is under 4 weeks of age. but if your guinea pig is over 4 weeks of age, then you have no need to feed it any sort of milk at all. But if your guinea pig is under 4 weeks and it's mother is no longer with it, pure goats milk is the best for it. Hope this helps.

What age should a guinea pig leave its mom?

they will ween at 4 weeks usually so around 5-6

How old should a guinea pig be when you buy them?

about 4 to 6 months old I disagee. Five to 8 weeks is the norm.

Can A guinea pig 2 months OLD mate?

Yes, definitely, female guinea pigs can become pregnant as early at 4 weeks although this is not recommended. It is important to mate a guinea pig before 2 years, otherwise, its pelvic bones will fuse and will result in difficulties when giving birth.well if the gunie pig is two weeks 2 or 3 weeks they should not mate otherwise the female will die.