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Opinion 1:

Yes. You can not feed a guinea pig cabbage and you have to feed carrots in moderation. Do NOT feed daily. Carrots are high in sugar and can cause kidney and bladder stones in guinea pigs.

Opinion 2:

There is no problem with feeding guinea pigs cabbage, as they will only eat as much as is good for them. Guinea pigs will not over-eat carrots, cabbage or any other vegetable. Simply remove the uneaten food each day so it is not left to rot.

The only thing one should avoid is potato peelings. Also, if you are feeding your guinea pig pumpkin, avoid leaving the seeds in it, as these seeds can catch in their front teeth.

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13y ago
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12y ago

Yes guinea pigs need veggies every day. If they dont have veggies every day they can get sick from lack of vitamin C. Some guinea pigs don't eat stuff like bell peppers, so if they arent getting enough vitamin C then you will have to buy vitamin drops to put in their water. Just be careful with this, sometimes guinea pigs wont drink the water because of the bad smell of the drops you put in there. good luck.

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14y ago

No, they should have a balanced diet of pellets hay and small amounts of vegtables every day.

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13y ago

Yes, guinea pigs can eat their vegetables and fruits cut up into salads.

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13y ago

Because like all herbivores, their digestive system is adapted to digest plant matter rather than meat.

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What vegetables are not safe for guinea pigs?

Potatoes and Raw beans are poisonous vegetables for Guinea Pigs.

Can you feed a guinea pigs vegitables?

Yes, in fact, vegetables are a major part in a guinea pigs diet and should be given every day.

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How old do guinea pigs have to be before you feed them raw vegetables?

Guinea pigs are able to eat raw vegetables from the day they are born.

Can guinea pigs have apple sauce?

It is not recommended to feed guinea pigs apple sauce because it is high in sugar and may upset their digestive system. Guinea pigs should primarily eat hay, fresh vegetables, and a small amount of fruits as treats.

What happens when you give guinea pigs chives?

Chives are vegetables, so it should be okay.

Do guinea pigs eat maggots?

No, guinea pigs tend to stick to fruits and vegetables.

Do guinea pigs eat fruit and veggies?

Yes, fruits and vegetables are an important part of a guinea pigs diet and they should be given at least a tablespoon a day of either.

Can guinea pigs eat zuchinni?

yes. guinea pigs can eat almost every fruit and vegetables.

What won't guinea pigs eat?

These herbivores should not have meat. They will have their favorite fruits . Vegetables are good for them.

How do guinea pigs obtain energy?

Guinea Pigs obtain energy from their food (kibble, vegetables, fruits, etc.)

Can guinea pigs eat multigrian bread?

Absolutely not. Guinea pigs should only have vegetables and fruits (aside from their hay and pellets). They should not be fed any people food, other than what I just stated.