

Best Answer

Short-haired rabbits generally don't need to be brushed or combed unless they're moulting.

Long-haired rabbits should be brushed or combed as often as necessary to keep their fur clean and untangled, even every day if that's what it takes.

About Moulting

Wild rabbits moult on a regular schedule based on the seasons, but with pet rabbits it's not always so regular. Generally speaking, your rabbit will have one or two heavy moults per year, and another one or two light moults that you may not even notice. The heavy moults you will notice, there's fur everywhere.

Rabbits groom themselves all the time, which means loose fur ends up in their bellies. Unlike cats, rabbits can't throw up their hairballs: instead, the fur has to work its way through the entire digestive system, and this can lead to serious illness.

So, when your rabbit is shedding, brush him/her every day. Find a brush or comb that actually works to get the fur off. Even gently pluck the loose fur with your fingers. (Don't force the rabbit to stay if he or she doesn't like it; many rabbits don't mind, if you're gentle. Be very gentle, though; rabbit skin is thin and stretchy and easy to tear.) Also vacuum more often and sweep out your rabbit's areas more often when there's a moult -- rabbits explore with their mouths, so a furry environment also leads to fur in the belly.

See the related questions below for more info.

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Q: How often does a rabbit need to be brushed?
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Do rabbits need to be brushed?

If you want to. No, you shouldn't do it. It's unnecessary, and it would cause your rabbit stress. Because cats and dogs eat meat, their teeth grow bacteria, and that's why they need their teeth brushed. Rabbits don't have that problem because they don't eat any meat or animal products (like dairy). They don't need their teeth brushed, but they do need their teeth ground down because rabbit teeth are constantly growing. Most rabbits can grind down their own teeth by eating lots and lots of hay. Some rabbits, because of genetic problems, need to go to the vet for dental care. See the related questions below for more details and helpful links.

How do you stop my rabbit attacking you when i brush him?

Try not brushing your rabbit at all. They don't really need it unless its an angora rabbit. Maybe give them the occasional brush when they shed their fur (every 4-5 months). You will know this when bits of fur fall out naturally - not to be confused with the rabbit pulling its own fur out with its teeth. If that happens your rabbit is under stress and you should seek medical advice. Plus your rabbit might not like being brushed and it can sometimes damage their skin. Hope I helped.

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How do you pet a rabbit?

Hey. To train a pet rabbit, you will firstly need to learn it it's name. Do this by holding food in your hand and calling it's name. Do this often and the rabbit will learn. Rabbits can't really do ''tricks'' as such though. Hope this helps :) x

How often do you bathe your rabbit?

Never. Healthy rabbits don't need baths: they clean themselves. If your rabbit needs a bath, something is wrong -- dirty rabbits are not normal! Maybe you need to keep its cage cleaner. Maybe you need to bunny-proof your home better so the rabbit doesn't get into messy things. Or, the problem could be medical -- maybe your rabbit is sick. See the related question below for more details.

What to do when your rabbit does not poop?

You need to get your rabbit to the vet immediately.