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Diabetes usually causes cataracts which can be treated through surgery, but is very expensive. So, yes, diabetes causes loss of eyesight in dogs.

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11y ago

If it goes blind in both eyes at the same time, then just once. If it goes blind in one eye, it can then go blind up to one more time.

So a maximum of twice.

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Q: How often does a dog go blind from diabetes?
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Will cleaner blind your dog if it gets in her eyes?

No, even the worst acids and bases (alkalis) can react violently but will not cause your dog to go blind. Just wash his/her eyes out with a sufficient amount of water.

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Yes, they can most likely.

What happens if you get diabetes?

you get them when you have to much sugar you have to test your blood sugar everyday and its not healthy having diabetes i am 8 and some people do not always get them i never had them i hope you guys don't

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maybe... :) well i think it does

Why did your 3 year old dog suddenly go blind?

A surprising number of dogs go blind, either from glaucoma or hereditary diseases. Pet owners must make accommodations to help their blind pet navigate throughout the house.

Should a dog be put to sleep because of blindness and diabetes?

This will be a very difficult decision to make for the owner - does the dog still enjoy interacting with the owner? Can the dog still control his bladder and colon and make it outside to go to the bathroom? Does the dog still eat and drink a healthy amount? Blindness in dogs is not nearly as debilitating as blindness in humans because dogs rely more on their senses of smell and hearing anyway. If the blindness is secondary to the diabetes (which is common), it was a progressive loss of function and the dog was able to adapt to the blindness slowly. Diabetes is also a manageable disease in most dogs, although some may not be able to be regulated or may object to the insulin injections. If the dog is simply blind and has manageable and stable diabetes, but otherwise acts like a normal dog, it wouldn't be more humane to put the dog down.

What is the most common sign of diabetes?

The most common sign of diabetes are thirst; going to the bathroom often; an unusual large appetite; and weight loss. If you show signs of diabetes go to the hospital or doctor.

Can you go to the dentist with your diabetes?

People who have diabetes mellitus (diabetes II) should see their dentist more often--at least twice a year for cleaning. Tell your dentist about your diabetes and discuss your oral health care plan. Poor oral health can make your diabetes worse.

Why didn't the dog cross the road?

Because he was waiting for the light to go green. Poor dog. He's color blind so he's going to be there a while...

How do you get leader dog for blind?

Easy. just go to the pet store near you. then ask them. don't worry they will tell you.