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If you mean clean the cage, it would be once a week. The tray (if you look at the bottom, there will be a sliding compartment, put newspaper or paper towels to cover it up) will need to be changed DAILY. This is a list of what needs to be done DAILY!!

*Change Food

*Change Water

*Clean toys (if you have any) Just wipe them off or rinse them and dry them.(Same with the bowls of food/water)

Weekly, you will need to wipe the inside and outside of the cage with a damp cloth.

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12y ago

One answer: Whenever you think it looks like it should be taken out. I have a rabbit that has a mini pen outside so it can go outside whenever it wants, but my friend's rabbit doesn't have a cage, it just lives outside. I would consider that a bit risky though.

Another answer: You should let your rabbit out every day for at least 3 hours. If the cage is small, you should let the rabbit out even more often! Outside time is important for these reasons:

  • For physical health, your bunny needs exercise and time to run around
  • For emotional health, your bunny needs to play, explore, and socialise (cuddle and hang out)
  • You should observe your bunny's appearance and behaviour, because bunnies hide their illnesses and injuries, and you need to watch out for early warning signs

See the related questions below for more info and helpful links.

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15y ago

You never have to change a rabbits cage. You do need to clean it daily.

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13y ago

I change my rabbits cage about every week.

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How do you retrain a rabbit to use litter box?

Rabbits can be taught, re-taught to use a litter box, rabbits normally use one corner of their hutch/cage to poo in, if you get a litter box, and put some saw dust ectra in it, then get plenty of the rabbits poo and put it in the litter tray in the corner that the rabbit poos in, the rabbit should start to use the litter box and after a few weeks of the rabbit using the tray you should be able to move the litter tray to where you want and the rabbit will continue to use it.

Is 1 rabbit litter an outlier?

No way!

What is the worlds largest rabbit litter?


Your rabbit just had a litter of babies and now she is pregnant again will the privious litter harm the new babies?

no your rabbit that hade the litter before the ones your having now will not hurt the new litter because they are family as well they won't hurt each other. but when your mother rabbit has the new litter just try to put it somewhere else just in case that is what i did

How often can rabbits have bunnies?

A female domestic rabbit CAN have babies every 30 days. They will rebreed the same day they deliver IF exposed to a buck. (I wouldn't recommend it) You are shortening the life of the rabbit and endangering the well being of the litter she is carrying as well as the well being of the litter she has just delivered.

Why does your Rabbit throw litter pan all around?

It's bored and/or does not like the location of litter pan.

How do you litter train your rabbit?

Rabbits usually use the same corner to go to the bathroom. You should first observe which corner this is. Then put a litter material (newspaper, small animal litter, non-clumping kitty litter, or something similar) in the litterbox. Using fancy litters with chlorophyll crystals etc. may encourage the rabbit to eat the litter, so you should avoid those types of litter. Each time the rabbit goes in the box, you should give it a small treat (a very small piece of fruit or vegetable). This will teach the rabbit that going to the bathroom in the litter box is a good thing. You should also be sure to keep the litterbox emptied, or the rabbit will not want to go in it anymore. Eventually, the rabbit will learn that the litterbox is its friend. Some rabbits will learn it quickly; others never will. The key is to stay diligent in cleaning the litterbox and rewarding the rabbit.

Can a rabbit litter box be a cardboard box?

You cannot use a cardboard box that is a full square with a hole in it. That is more commonly used for a little playhouse/privacy for your rabbit. You can use a lid of a cardboard box, but shorten it for the size of your rabbit's size. Place a small wooden block for your rabbit to gnaw on, as he/she might nibble the cardboard ( so the block is distracting the rabbit. ). Be sure to put some rabbit treats in the litter box (if it is the rabbits first time using one) so he/she makes it an often place to use. I have a rabbit myself X) ! Sorry if i went on.

How often do rabbit reproduce per year?

Theoretically, a female rabbit can produce a litter of babies every six weeks ! Which is why it's always a good idea to keep males and females separate unless you plan to breed them !

Does a rabbit hold back some of its litter?

yes it do some times

How many can amedium size rabbit have her first litter?

Around 4

If a rabbit has a litter and has a runt will the next litter have a runt too?

The rabbit may have a runt in the second batch, but just as well may not. It depends on many factors including the buck, and how many kits are in the litter. One cannot say that she would or would not have a runt for sure.