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on average they are cleaned about once a week.

Your cage should NEVER smell. On average, cages are completely cleaned once a week (bedding replaced, cage sides and bottom wiped clean). You will need to spot clean particularly wet spots an additional 1 to 2 times during the week. Some people spot clean every day.

if you have 1 about once a week,

if more, change accordingly.

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15y ago
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13y ago

If you mean bathe, then every 2 months or so but if they are really dirty, then bathe them. If you mean grooming, then every day for long hairs, and once or twice a week for short hairs.

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13y ago

i would say atleast 3 weeks - 1 month old before you bathe them,

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13y ago

um...i dont think u give ginnypigs baths.

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Q: How often do you have to clean a guinea pig?
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When do you clean a guinea pig cage?

I try to clean my guinea pig's cage around once a week or when it looks dirty.

Should you clean the guinea pig cage out after the birth?

Yes because there is the after birth from the guinea pig

How many times should you brush a guinea pig a week?

If your guinea pig has long hair, maybe two to three times a week. If your guinea pig has short hair and shed often, two times a week should be fine; if he / she has short hair and does not shed often, once a week should be fine. However, it's key to remember that they clean themselves with their paws. If you see that your guinea pig is often cleaning him/herself, keep the cage cleaner more often.

How do you clean guinea pig poop?

pick it up

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When do you have to clean out a guinea pig cage?

once a week

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Of course it's fine! You just need to clean out the cage more often.

What is example of idiom guinea pig in a sentence?

Guinea pig is not an idiom. It is a type of small rodent that is often kept as a pet.I have a pet guinea pig.

Can guinea pigs have strawberry ends?

I have given them to my guinea pig. She loves them! I would just make sure they're clean before offering them to your guinea pig.

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clean it up.

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Clean it off.

Should you sponge your one month old guinea pig?

no u should not sponge your 1 mounth old guinea pig just lather the guinea pigs hair and rinse it off then wala clean guinea pig