It depends on your cats weight and his appetite. For more precise information, please consult your veterinarian.
Smaller, lighter cats will naturally eat less, whereas a bigger or bulky cat will eat more. That said, a cat will eat far more if fed a lower quality food to get the nutrition it needs, and less if fed a premium quality food.
The best way to find out how much you should feed YOUR cat is to keep an eye on his or her weight. You can do this by weighing him once a week to see if he gains or loses weight, or feeling for any extra layers of fat over his ribs. Be sure to consult a veterinarian first in order to find out the cat's weight and health.
How often you feed a cat again depends on the cat. Most healthy adult cats do well with two meals a day; one in the morning and the second in the evening. Kittens, young cats and particularly small cats will need feeding more often in smaller amounts as their stomachs are smaller and cannot take in too much food all in one go.
These suggestions are assuming your cat doesn't have another food source. Please do not over-feed your cat. Obese cats can have heart problems and will die sooner. Better be safe than sorry!
Don't feed your cat.
it depends on what type of cat
As much as they can take
5 pounds
get him stake
As much as they can take
feed your cat 2 times a day in the morning and before you go to bed
what to feed my cat and how much
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