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Q: How often do sows go in heat?
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Do pregnant sows still go into heat?

No, when a mammal is pregnant it will not go into heat while it is pregnant.

Do polar bears keep the same mate?

No. Sows often will mate with more than one male during her heat period.

Why do sow heat easily than cow?

Are you asking why do sows go into heat easier than cows, or something else entirely? It is not entirely certain what you mean by "easily" or possibly "easier" unless an explanation can be had to better understand this question.

What are the Breeding cycles for sows?

Sows typically have a breeding cycle that lasts about 21 days. During this time, they are in heat for 2-3 days, when they are receptive to mating. After mating, if fertilization occurs, the gestation period for sows is about 114 days.

Why did you need sows in the world?

Sows have offspring. Pure and simple.

How big can wild pigs be?

Boars can often reach over 600 lbs, sows over 400 lbs.

How often do boerboels go into heat?

Every 6 months.

When boxers are in heat does the one i have do like a cat and how often do they go in heat?

When the boxers are on heat, they usually mate just like the cats.

How long and how often are chocolate labs in heat?

Dogs usually go into heat twice a year, although some individual dogs will go into heat more or less often. Typically, a female will remain in heat for about three weeks, although she will only bleed for the week to a week and a half.

What are sows?

A "Sow" is a mature, breading female pig. "Sows" is the plural form of the word.

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most female goes go into heat every 7-8 months

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---- ====== ====== it depends on the weather in the time of heat ---- ====== ====== it depends on the weather in the time of heat