

How now brown cow origin?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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13y ago

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I think it has something to do with (I may be wrong) men in Minnesota. Men in Minnesota had to remove their hat if they passed a cow, as a show of courtesy.

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The phrase "how now brown cow" is a traditional British English phrase used as a diction exercise to practice proper pronunciation. It doesn't have a specific origin but has been used for many years in speech training programs.

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The Gertrude Berg Show - 1961 How Now Brown Cow 1-20 was released on: USA: 22 February 1962

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Assonance is the literary device used in the phrase "How are you now brown cow", where the similar vowel sounds of the words "now" and "brown" are repeated.

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it is used in words such as how now brown and cow. lol haha idkkk.....

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