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The amount of time would depend on how fast the barn is burning, where the fire is located, and how long it has been burning. That being said it is always best to get a horse out of a burning barn as fast as possible.

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Q: How much time does a horse have to escape from a burning barn?
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How much would it cost to build a four stable horse barn?

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What do you have to do if you lease a horse?

When you lease a horse you have to care for it like you own it. If you are leasing at a local barn you may not have to feed it because the barn employees will. When you are leasing you can ride the horse and do pretty much everything you would if it was your own horse. Leasing costs anywhere between $150-$450 a month.

How many horeshoes are on a horse?

As much as it needs. Sometimes a horse might only need two or maybe on all fours. And like the ones at my barn, NONE! ^_^ It all depends on the horse. :)

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Barn burning is considered a terrible crime because it poses a threat to both property and life. The fire can quickly spread to other structures and endanger not only the barn but also nearby homes and individuals. Additionally, destroying someone else's property without permission is a violation of their rights and can have significant economic and emotional implications.

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How much does a small horse barn usually cost to purchase?

Small horse barns can vary in price depending on square footage. Chances are that if you check Craigslist you'll be able to find exactly what you are looking for.

How much money do you make working at a horse ranch?

Depends on the type of barn and where your located, as well as what you are doing I charge $10 per horse to exercise for an hour, and $13.50 to do barn chores, fix fences etc. But I have friends that work at spruce meadows for a living and make $3000 a month. I do this for fun. Hope this helps you out.

How much does a horse barn cost?

deoends where you live- i live in the hamptons and one can cost anywhere from 3 million to 20 million here - crazieness

What does a horse sleep on and how much is it?

They sleep standing up. They can be kept in a barn at night with hay to eat and water to drink and will sleep standing up in their stall. they sleep standing up on the ground, in a paddock or barn, free of charge unless your agisting

When it is raining what can you do with your horse?

Generally you don't have to do much but make sure that their coat and hooves are clean to prevent them from getting infections, but if mess is a problem some owners will bring their horse into the barn for several hours or install a run-in shed

How much do renting stables cost a month?

Renting a horse stable usually on average cost around $200 dollars ,if not more.Depends on the barn stables and the features and qualities that come with it.