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About 3-5 times taller.

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Q: How much taller is a giraffe from a hippo?
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Related questions

How much taller is the giraffe then the hippo?

depends on the size and age of the hippo and giraffe

Which is taller- a giraffe or an elephant?

a giraffe is taller

Is an elephant taller than a giraffe?

An elephant is bigger in its weight,in its size,not in length,so giraffe is taller then elephant.

Is A Giraffe Taller Than The Tallest Man?

The giraffe is probably taller considering they can reach tree tops.

How much taller is the male hippo then the female hippo?

Try use a measuring tape , its more acurate. Make sure you do this while the hippo is asleep beacuse you will not be able people if it eats you :)

Who would loose more heat a hippo or a giraffe?


Why is there a giraffe-Hippo hybrid in your bed?

Because your mom wanted it there.

Is an elephant or a giraffe taller?

A giraffe is taller than an elephant. Giraffes can reach up to 18 feet in height, while elephants typically stand around 8 to 13 feet at the shoulder.

What African mammal is a large plant eating mammal?

Elephant , rhino , hippo , giraffe ,

What are five animals in Africa?

African Elephant, Leopard, Crocodile, Hippo and Giraffe

How do you draw herbivore?

U should try drawing a worm,hippo, or giraffe

Is an okapi taller than a giraffe?

Since the definition of the word species is basically a group of organisms with similar features that can only produce fertile offspring within its specific group, I wouldn't think so. Although there are some exceptions to this breeding rule, such as lions/tigers and donkeys/horses, their offspring are not fertile, meaning if you had two lion/tiger crosses, mating would not result in pregnancy.