The answer depends on the type of training. Obedience classes are usually around $100 but private training is much more. It also depends on where you are located.
Usually you get about 300-900 price range
It would take much proper training, but for now you should just let your dog be outside.
You should repeat the que when training your dog use the same que until he learns the command
advertise about it and see what happens
Probably when your dog is a puppy or when your dog is a adult i suppose.
You should check once in the web here you will get better options for your dog as well as you can give training to your dog online. Also, you have to see dog training videos.
Why in the world would you want to do that? How about training the dog?
if you mean by $, um about mabey $40. for a leash, training treats and training toys. but if you hire someone to train your dog no idea.
Dog: It depends on what kind of dog you buy. I have a yorkshire terrier and I spend a lot of money on him, but my boxer cost less money to care for. Cat: They are not much work all u gotta do is liter box train them and get the shots they need.
As many as you are willing to give your dog. Thanks ERIC
Once the dog has been put down, there is not much that you can do. However, it is suggested that before you get another dog you educate yourself on dog behavior and proper training. There are many sources on the Internet. Your local shelter can also help with many training issues.
If you live near Lngley bc or near it you should take your dog to TNT dog traing it is really good and cheap!!!!!!