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not much mate.

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Q: How much wool does an alpaca produce per year?
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Do you kill alpaca to make alpaca fur?

Alpacas have wool like sheep. This wool is sheared off each year, causing no harm to the animal.

Where is wool made in New Zealand?

Wool is a natural fibre made by animals as their covering to keep themselves warm. In nature, this is shed each year. The fine crinkled wool fibres often lie beneath coarser 'guard hairs'. Animals that produce commercial wool are Musk-ox (not in NZ), Sheep, Alpaca, Vicuna, Goats (Mohair); & rabbits (Angora) and Guinea pigs (not in NZ).

How much manure does an alpaca produce in one year?

depends if it is fine the cost is between 3 to 10 dollars an oz,if regular maybe between 2 and 8 dollars an oz.

How much wool can a sheep produce in one year?

if you times the sheeps weight with the weight of the ram hu got horny and got the sheep pregnant the answer would come to how many sheep the ewe would have!!! so the answer would be 3847382583275

How much wool is produced each year?

Australia's wool industry is estimated to be worth around $3.7 billion and produces 27% of the world's wool as of 2006.

How regularly does an alpaca get clipped?

once a year

How much does an alpaca farm manager make?

Depends. If you show your alpacas, shear them one a year, and sell adults and cria.. ALOT.

How much money does Australia make from wool per year?

$130,000,000. More than you.

What suit is better linen or wool?

I prefer wool. I think linen wrinkles too easy and looks sloppy after a bit. Wool holds up well, stays neat, and can be worn much of the year. A good wool suit will last years.

How much on average can you make a year on wool from sheep?

That is like asking how much does a gallon of gas cost? It depends on where you live, what time of year, economic conditions, among many other reasons. The amount of wool you get off of one sheep can vary depending on many factors like size, breed, quality, time of year, and other factors. Therefore the amount you will sell the wool for varies just as much. It depends on the grade of the wool, the cleanliness, the staple length, the color, and other factors. Generally you can shear 1-10lbs of wool per sheep and you can get $0.10 per pound for tags and poor wool up to $2.00 or more per pound for clear top grade wool. So basically the answer is it depends.

What is the amount of wool produced in 1 year?

about 10 pounds of wool.

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