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you just get the dogs age in human years which in your case is 6, then times it by 7 for dog years....

so 6 x 7 = 42

i was stuck on this too but now its all gooood :) No it's not, brother or sister! Did you not read what I just put there? That's an old wives tale. Again (From The Straight Dope) (So, to answer your question, it's 41 for a 6 yr-old) Every year we hear the Alpo man claim his 14-year-old dog is actually 98 years old in human years. Yet I remember reading in some journal that the seven-years-for-every-one-dog-year rule is only applicable to dogs under 10 years old. After a certain age the conversion factor reduces considerably, so that a 98-year-old Alpo dog is really in his mid-70s. I need the Straight Dope so I can get the candles right for my hound. — Michael L., Bethesda, Maryland Dear Michael: I've seen various formulations for this over the years. One of the simplest and most sensible goes like this: The first year of canine life is equal to 21 years of human life--in other words, the puppy grows to adulthood. Every additional dog year is equivalent to four human years. Thus a 10-year-old mutt is the equivalent of 57 human years old (9 x 4 + 21). Likewise, the Alpo dog is not 98 (14 x 7) but 73 in human terms (13 x 4 + 21). The formula jibes reasonably well with the known landmarks of canine life. Dogs reach middle age when they're 6 or 7, which works out to 41-45 in HY. Life expectancy for most is 12-15 years (65-77 HY); occasionally one manages to creak along until age 20 (97 HY). That makes a lot more sense than saying a 20-year-old dog is 140, and it sure saves on the candles, too. DON'T CHANGE AN ANSWER UNLESS YOU KNOW YOU'RE RIGHT! BETTER YET, DON'T USE WIKI ANSWERS FOR YOUR RESEARCH!

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11y ago

Well depending on the breed of dogs lifespan it may vary quite a bit. If we were to say in general that the average dog lives to about 11 then you would divide 75 (the average lifespan for a human) by 11 to get 6.81- or about 7 dog years to every human year so if the dog is 6 years old and you multiply that by 7 then you'd get 42.

A dog that is 6 human years old is about 42 in dog years.

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11y ago

If the dog is six months old, then he/she is six months old in dog years. However, if you meant that you wanted to know what he/she would be in human years, then that would be different.

The old saying was that a dog ages seven years to one human year. However, developmentally, a dog becomes an adult in its first year since females are generally able to have pups during this time. There is a chart in my veterinarian's office that claims a dog is the equivalent of about 15 human years at the end of his/her first. Eventually the aging process does more or less equate to about 7 years to 1. For example, a 7-year old dog is about the equivalent of a 50-year old human. My best guess is that a 6-month old dog would be equivalent to about an 8 to 10-year old human child. My 9-month old Chow certainly acts like a very young teenager, so I'm thinking that I'm pretty close to being correct.

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14y ago

A 6 year old dog will be 42 years old in dog years.

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9y ago

Your dog is six month old. 0.5 years, a half a year

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14y ago

7 dog years to 1 human.

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42 years

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Words that are nouns in the sentence "I am six years old" are "years" and "old."

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No. A female dog must be 3-4 years old. If a six month old does produce puppies, that's one amazing puppy... But it's not possible. Hope this helped!

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