no , because if you do the puppies can be born with blind ness or deaf ness or the could come out even dead... i have a female merle great dane and my family is thinking of spaying her if i were you i would spay your dane as well
A great dane can weigh up to 186 pounds
Marmaduke, the beloved Great Dane in the comic strip and movie, is of the Great Dane breed. These gentle giants are known for their size, strength, and friendly nature.
nothing, don't become a byb spay your dog.!
there is no great dane but there is a boxer
Jupiter's gravity is 2.528 times that of the earths, so a 60kg great Dane would weigh around 152kg.
I believe it is the Harlequin Great Dane from Germany
The scientific name for a Great Dane is Canis lupus familiaris.
6 to 10 cups
No, this is a trait of the breed. They have a crest at the back of the skull. The Great Dane also has this, excepts it is much more pronounced in a Great Dane.
he is a Great Dane. tbh i think he is a cross between a great dane and rhodesian ridgeback :)
heightwise: Great Dane hands down. Weightwise: I'd Say the Pyranese is equal or heavier than the dane.