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The cost will vary from year to year as prices fluctuate and according to where you live and the prices in that area. Shetland ponies typically weigh about 450 pounds and ponies should eat roughly 1.5 to 1.8% of their body-weight in feed daily (it's 1.5-3% for horses) This works out to 7 to 8 pounds of hay per Shetland per day, or 5,840 pounds (using the 8 pounds per day) per year for both. In my area that would cost $1,314 dollars per year in hay. Shetlands typically don't need hard feeds, but you should add a vitamin and mineral supplement to balance out the forage, this can run from $50 to $1,000 per year according to which product you use. Farriers often give discounts for small ponies but budget for no less than $30 per trim and 12 trims per year, which would run $720 for two ponies. Vaccines, vet visits and dental care can run about $900 per pony per year, so $1800 per year total. Then add another $500 for things like dewormer, sand colic treatments, fly spray and the like. This brings a total up to $4,384 for the year so far and does not include bedding or possible boarding fees.

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Q: How much is it to keep and feed two shetland ponys?
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What is a shetland ponys habitat?

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What is a ponys habitats?

Shetland Pony's are rough little pony's that don't require allot of space. A normal horse needs about 50M2 of pasture and a shetland only 30. They don't like stables very much. So they are usually outside.

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Absolutely. Ponies are really just smaller-sized horses. Though the proper amount of feed for a pony would most likely be less than a horse, it'd be the same type of feed. For examples, search What do you feed a shetland pony and how much?Runninghorse

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Feed them, but don't feed them too much. Give them lots of excersize.

What should a pony eat?

wat a pony should eat depends on how much work he/she does wat breed and wat tempmerent it is, 4 example an Arab would need less high energy food than a shetland. a poniy should never est oats. most of the ponys iet should be grass/hay.

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150 ponys

How much does a Shetland pony weigh in kg?

If you have a 290 kilo horse (which is the average weight of a Shetland) he/she can hold up to a 70 kilo person. Keep in mind the height of the horse/pony as well you may end up with your feet dragging on the ground.

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It takes about 5 kilograms of feed to keep one pig healthy. In the Philippines, 5 kilograms of feed would be about 800 pesos.

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They feed from there mother. She will dicide when to let them eat solid foods. So all you have to do is keep the food dishes full.

Can a 13 year old girl that is around 114 pounds and about 5'2 - 5'3 ride a shetland pony?

Well, you could try, but it wouldn't make much sense, considering that the provided height and weight are too much for a Shetland Pony.