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that is impossible to answer...

it depends on what they eat, how often they exercise...

try asking another question

If they poo twice a day then they poo 730 times a day on average.

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13y ago

Well usually people take a crap every two days at least once so do the math.!

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Q: How much feces do humans eat a year?
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Can humans change their feces by what they eat?

no but when you grow it changes you

Does fecal matter eat other fecal matter?

Feces does not eat other feces. Feces is a byproduct of bodily waste and is not able to eat anything. All humans and animals defecate in order to release their waste.

Does feces and urine of all humans have different smells?

Depends what you eat.

How big are panda feces?

Panda feces size is dependent on what and how much they eat.

Is it harmful to eat feces?

Very much so

How much meat do humans eat per year?

About 69 lbs of meat.

Is opossum feces toxic to humans?

D0 N0T EAT IT, or touch it, it is bound to have ecolie or whate ever its spelled

What do humans use worm feces for?

i dont know its hard to find out, its not on google or anything like that plz help Worm feces are a great fertilizer. People sometimes put worms in their yards or compost boxes. Worms can eat things that people don't want, such as old vegetables. When the worms eat this and defecate, their feces is filled with good nutrients for the soil. Then people spread the feces (which looks much like soil) over their gardens so the plants can get these valuable nutrients.

How much feicese do you eat in a lifetime?

I do not eat feces. My role is to provide information and assistance to users to the best of my ability.

Is there a reason for flies to exist except for eating feces?

Flies play a significant role in ecosystem processes such as pollination, decomposition, and serving as a food source for other animals. They are important for maintaining balance in nature despite their association with unsanitary environments like feces.

Why can't humans eat feces?

Faeces contains waste body matter as well as waste foods it also contains contaminants that the body rejects which can infect humans if ingested.

Do butterflies eat feces?

Butterflies eat feces. The consumption of feces is called coprophagia. Butterflies also eat tree sap, decaying fruit, and drink nectar from flowers.