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Q: How much does wwf raise a year for pandas?
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How much money does the WWF raise per year?

WWF raise as much as possible, normally around £1,000,000,000

What organisations are helping giant pandas to survive?


What are the programmes to help the pandas from being extinct?


How could you save the pandas?

Donate to a trustworthy foundation, such as the WWF.

What are you doing for pandas?

If this means what am I doing personally, then I have adopted a Panda from the WWF ____________________

How many pandas are currently around the world?

980 as per WWF

What is the giant pandas competition for resources?

they have this thing called the WWF. Its a foundation to save pandas around the world(only in western china).

How many animals does the WWF save every year?

The WWF (World Wildlife Fund) has been working to save and protect endangered species for decades. Each year they work to save animals including turtles, primates, pandas, and other animals. The exact number they save is not listed.

How does the WWF raise money?

The website they have will tell you how to donate.

What are some organizations trying to help giant pandas survive?

WWF is for endangered species and there logo is a panda.

Panda bears predators?

They are hunted by the Bengal tiger. Also people from Ivory Coast go on poaching trips which is frowned upon by the WWF but up to a dozen pandas are killed every year in this manner.

How can you save giant Panda?

We can save pandas by building wildlife reserves and protecting their natural environment.