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The average male tiger weighing anywhere between 600-800 pounds wiill go for a range of money depending on what you sell. if you plan to sell its hide, your looking at about 15-20 years in prison, but if you plan to sell the whole body to a starving family in mulasia your looking at about -2300 to transport and like 6 years in prison time. Ultimately to each his own i'd suggest killing them, skinning them, leaving the meat for other tigers, and then selling the pelt for cash under an alias, somehting like Jeffery Dommer. That's what i use. In that case you can sell the pelt for about 4700. That kinda pretty much just pays for the trip there and back.

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Q: How much does it cost to save tigers?
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What are people doing to save the tigers?

people are trying to save tigers by kookoolaashi.

Is there an organization to save the south china tigers?

Yes there is it is called "Save the Tigers"

How much do tigers cost to maintain?

they cost around 10,000-50,000 pounds a year so very much

What are some slogans to save tigers?

save tiger save royality,justice & pride of the nation

How can you make a donation to save tigers?

You can donate through paypal, to organizations like Save The Tigers.

How can you save your lives from tigers?

Keep away from where Tigers are.

Why do you have to save tigers?

It will kill you.

Who wants to save the tigers?


How much is vaccinations for white tigers?

To the best of my knowledge, there are no vaccines approved for administration to white tigers (or any of the great cats), so the cost would be nothing. However, you can ask for a rabies vaccination to help reduce the risk of infection, but it won't save your tiger if it is suspected of rabies or bites someone.

How much does it cost to advertise in Comerica Park home of the Detroit Tigers?

probably $85

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What is done to save the tigers?

What is done to save the white tigers they're taking more white tigers into zoo all around the world, and people are taking more into reserves.