

Best Answer

I'm really certain you're not supposed to be able to have them,

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Q: How much does a black footed cat cost?
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Related questions

When was Black-footed cat created?

Black-footed cat was created in 1824.

Which kind of house cat is the smallest?

the black footed cat.

What is a black-footed cat?

A black-footed cat is the smallest type of African cat, Latin name Felis nigripes, endemic in the south west arid zone of the southern African subregion.

Is the black footed cat related to other animals?


How fast is a black footed cat?

20 mph

Where do most black-footed cats live?

The black-footed cat, also called small-spotted cat, is the smallest African cat, and is endemic in the southwest arid zone of the southern African sub region.

How are you helping the black footed cat to survive?

By taking steps not to kill any.

What are the types of wild cats that start with the letter O?

Bobcat, black footed cat, and bay cat.

What does ailuropoda melanoleuca stand for?

Ailuropoda melanoleuca stands for "black and white cat-footed animal."

How much are Egyptian black cats?

It depends if you want a purebred cat or not, like the bombay. My cat is black, not a purebred and cost 100$.

It's not a cat but its Chinese name is Daxiongmao meaning big bear cat and its Latin name Ailuropoda melanoleuca means black-and-white-cat-footed-animal What is it?


What are ferrets hunted by?

Ferrets are domesticated animals believed to be originally derived from european polecats. Unless you are talking about Black footed ferrets (an animal native to the southwest of the United States), they are not really hunted (although a pet dog or cat could cat a hold on the ferret). The black footed ferrets, however, are prey to badgers, coyotes, bobcats, and foxes.